Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Random Thoughts

Blogging has become difficult for me as of late. I used to be so sure of my opinions, my convictions and the older I get the more I learn that life is really 100 shades of grey and not black and white. I have been so busy lately and when I say that, I don't mean in the running around I have so many physical things going kind of busy. I don't know if this is a woman thing, but busy for me is strictly based on what is going on in my mind. I find the emotional and mental side of life much more taxing than the physical. It's hard for me to organize myself while my mind is racing about certain things. For example, I may be trying to make sense of certain situations and I can't relax until things in my mind are reconciled. I am a worrier. I worry about things and people that aren't even around me and they have no idea or they don't care.  I have this need to understand things and people completely! and at times it's overwhelming. Such is life, and so it is that I break with people and routines. I need calm and quiet to hear the things I long for. So here I am writing. My thoughts have turned to politics today. How uneventful is that?
I find the political rhetoric on both sides childish. And trust me, I'm a child. I am as immature as a pre-pubescent teen at times so I don't mean to sound sanctimonious. I get frustrated with the same issues that really aren't issues becoming major issues. If the Republicans are going to continue to make immigration an issue, they will lose. Ann Coulter is WRONG. No one in America cares and they will continue to alienate a voting base of minorities that tend to live a more traditional lifestyle and would embrace the party if it weren't for the continued buffoonery called immigration reform. Put it in the gay marriage aisle and LET IT GO. Obama has taken this country into a state of emergency and I say that with complete resolve. Our economy is HORRIBLE.  How much did you spend at the grocery store the last time you went? I have a family of 3 and it's NEVER less than 100 dollars for 3 DAYS of groceries. The Presidents commitment to the military is disturbing. The military has suffered and shrunk worse than the value of the dollar. America is not as strong as we once were and that concerns the hell out of me. We live in a country where people are more concerned with obesity than an anemic economy that has weakened a nation almost to the point of starvation. The economic gap is widening. Wages are low. Companies can pay low salaries because the job market is flooded with personnel. What happened to Obama being the President of the poor? He made us all poor. He swayed our attention to silly social issues while he engineered his agenda. His Executive orders are dictatorial at best. But we have gay marriage and a rainbow colored White House. How special.
I am not supporting anyone at this point in the election. I feel for the Republican candidates who have to bow to a ridiculous party platform and an even more ridiculous alignment with Donald ya hump(see Dave Letterman).
Fox News the only conservative based television news source is more concerned with what religion our candidate belongs to and quite frankly I prefer a candidate that isn't Fox's little bitch. But how can that happen? The candidates have to cower to the trough that feeds them. The ideological cult of personalities that align unsuspecting conservatives into Libertarian values and not traditional American ideals. I have watched unsuspecting conservatives become something other than what America stands for. They follow the "founding fathers" and "constitutional" bullshit as though that is who Libertarians are. No. Libertarians are the WORST part of EACH major party. The worst part of the Republicans and the worst part of the Democrats......and the Democrats have no good parts. If you have fallen prey to Fox's definition of conservatism, then you have clung to a beast that is worse for our country than that of this incompetent administration. This is where I'm at. Ending sentences with prepositions no less. But hear this, I will not support the ridiculous ideology thrown at me by Fox News. And that goes for you Democrats. Pull your heads out of the ass of Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow and see what is right in front of you. A BIG FAT AMERICAN MESS, thanks to our historically acclaimed first black President. He is THE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY. Now back to my regularly scheduled program of mind inquisition. I'll be back.....


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